
jello cityscapes

Stumbled upon Liz Hickok's jello cityscapes a few months back @ an open studio night in the mission district of San Francisco. Wandering the studios, I saw these curious candy colors peeking out from under a tarp - I HAD to find out! The artist wasn't there. I wanted to be respectful, but I HAD to see. Gently peeked under a corner: It looked like a miniature of San Francisco made out of...hmmm, I'm not quiet sure what - wait, is that's aged jello?!? Yes. Yes, indeed it was made of jello. Absolutely mesmerized, I could NOT be pulled away. Soon someone came - not the artist, but a friend and I was given permission to peek (phew, I felt better). Wow.

Her photos are amazing with the vivid glow of colors. And I love how the sweating buildings begin to crystallize and jiggle, but I'm glad my first experience was peeking from under a tarp and seeing this magnificent techno-jello color city emerge from the darkness.

Click here to visit Liz Hickok's website.

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