
Everyday Monuments

So, I received a LOT of excited emails from you responding to my post about Jean Shim's Sound Wave in October. Well, I received an email the other day from Jean about the current project she is working on and I thought I'd share. This one sounds like fun!

Jean is currently collecting thousands of old trophies* for an upcoming art installation for the Smithsonian Museum: “Everyday Monuments.” Each donated trophy will be transformed by altering its figure’s pose to resemble the movements of everyday tasks and then incorporated into a large‐scale art installation. You can participate in this unique project by donating old trophies. To find out more information & download the donation form click here.

The form includes information on the Washington DC drop offs (due DECEMBER 13th), but if an alternative location in New York City or elsewhere if preferable, please contact the artist at info@jeanshin.com. For more information about Jean Shin, go to www.jeanshin.com.

“Everyday Monuments” will be a special installation at the Smithsonian American Art Museum on view May 1 – July 26, 2009.

*Please note that donated trophies will become a permanent part of the work of art, and will not be returned to the owner. The artist is solely interested in trophies with figurines.

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